Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Projects for the week of January 15-21

Although, this past week I did not complete all the goals on my list. I at least accomplished one goal in each area which is a success to me because this past week was not a slow week for me. There were three funerals in the past week which means that there is not much time to do the normal day things for me. So, lets talk about my DIY goals that I completed.

I made homemade hair detangler earlier this week. Supplies needed for homemade hair detangler are:
  • Spray bottle
  • Conditioner
  • Water
You can go to to get the full instructions but it is really simple and I am now using it on my daughter, Emmarsyn's hair.  I just reused one of the spray bottles from the hair detangler that we have used in the past. This is something you really must try it will save you dollars.

I also made homemade jelly this week. Supplies needed  are:
  • 1 bottle or frozen container of fruit juice your choice
  • Sugar
  • 2 boxes of pectin
  • Canning jars
  • Water Bath
You can go to to get the full instructions to made homemade jelly out of fruit juice. This is something that is also really easy and if you are like me and always have extra fruit juice a great way to use it up. It also saves you money from having to buy jelly and you know exactly what is going in to it. So hopefully there is less preservatives. :)

Well here are my goals for this week January 15-21:

Family/Mothering Goals
  • Read a book each night to the kids
  • Have a family game night
Personal Goals
  • Finish reading Perfect 10
  • Complete Couch to 5k week 2
  • Do yoga every day
Home Management Goals
  • Finish Organizing the Kitchen
  • Start Organizing the Living Room
  • Plan a menu for next week
  • Keep on using the envelope system(cash system for purchases)
Business Goals
  • Finish Decorating for Valentine's Day
  • Work on Ad for Valentine's Day
  • Get tax information together
  • Continue to organize/and rearrage the shop
DIY Goals
  • Make Homemade Cinnamon Rolls and freeze the extra
Well, now that the week is halfway over hopefully I can complete my list or least check off a few. Have a great rest of the week!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Projects of the Weekend....

Well, this weekend was quite a productive one for me this Saturday. I spent most of my Saturday cleaning and organizing the kitchen. I just have a few things left on my list to finish but I feel like I made significant progress. I have to credit my enthusiasm to Money Saving Mom. I have been following her blog for at least two years and I enjoy most everything that she posts. She is an inspiration to me. This year I will be trying out her goal planning strategies. So this week I am going to plan out my goals for this week:

Family Goals
  • Establish a chore chart for the children
  • Read a book each night to the kids
Personal Goals
  • Finish reading the Perfect 10
  • Complete the Couch to 5k week 1
Home Management Goals
  • Finish organizing the kitchen
  • Start organizing the living room
  • Plan a menu for next week
Business Goals
  • Put Christmas inventory away
  • Decorate for Valentines Day
  • Work on Ad for Valentines Day
  • Get Tax information together
DIY Goals
  • Make Homemade Hair Detangler
  • Make Homemade jelly
Can't wait to start marking these goals off my list!!! Have a great week!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Second Project of the New Year....

Well, my second project of the new year was to use baking soda and water mixture as shampoo. I tried it Wednesday morning while I was in the shower. It is definitly something that I would have to get use to if I plan on using it on a regular basis but all in all it wasn't that bad. I did notice that it made my hair feel differently so I would not recommend using it on a daily basis but every so often is probably a better choice.

Wednesday was also the second day of my daughter being back at school and it was greatly apprieciated. I did have Colby and Camdyn with me but the combination of Emma and Colby tends to turn into a WWE battle. So I was glad to have a little peace and quiet for a while.

I also downloaded a book called Perfect 10 diet and started reading it off of Amazon. If you think that it is something you would like to read you can download it for free for your Kindle at Amazon. It talks about changing your eating habits to eat more organic and to get 10 of your hormones in sync to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My first project of the New Year...

Yesterday, I attempted my first project of 2012 to clean one of my baking pans with a mixture of 1/4 cup of baking soda and peroxide (to make a paste.) Lets just say my pan did not come out as good as the picture. It really didn't work for me. I will have to attempt again later and see if my peroxide was to old.  Or maybe my pan has too much baked on it. I found this on Pinterest posted by It also is suppose to work the stove, oven, pans, stainless steel appliances, and white handles on the refrigerator door. I will post pictures later. While it didn't work for me doesn't mean that it won't work for you.

Today, I also started off my Tuesday with a workout. It is something I have been meaning to do on a regular basis for several months. I just haven't been able to get myself motivated to get up and do it. Another idea I saw on Pinterest was to give yourself a dollar each time you workout and put it in a jar. Basically save the money so you can treat yourself later. I have started it so hopefully I can at least get myself to workout three times a week. As many of you know with children it hard to get time for yourself so hopefully I can stick to it and give myself time because I really enjoy working out. I really enjoy the benefits it brings to me like giving me more energy, losing weight or to maintain weight,  and makes me happier.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

I know that I am a day shy of the new year since it is January 2, 2012 but yesterday was a busy day for me. Yesterday, I was busy getting flower arrangments and plants prepared for a funeral and delivered to the funeral home. So you can say the majority of my day was spent working and the rest of it was resting from my crazy busy schedule. This is one of my resolutions is to start a blog that helps me accountable for the projects that I want to do and hopefully it will help others when I have told them about what I have done to be able to find the information easier. So Happy New Year to all. One resolution marked off my list.